Find out about the various support, funding and training possibilities associated with the circular economy:

Find support for your circular transition!
Circular Design in Plastics
Description courte
The approach provides companies with technical diagnostics and personalised support in the plastics sector.
Next Circular Wallonia
Description courte
Next Circular Wallonia finances industrial projects that are part of the circular economy (circular design and production, new economic models, reverse logic, industrial symbioses) and that wish to accelerate their growth.
ERDF 2021-2027: Measure 4 - Investment aid (SMEs)
Description courte
The ERDF 2021-2027 programming aims to address the major challenges of today and targets 5 strategic objectives: a smarter, greener, more connected, more social and more citizen-friendly Europe. This is an investment premium co-financed by Wallonia and the ERDF for investments made by SMEs in development areas.
Financing of cooperative projects
Description courte
W.Alter offers adapted financing for social and cooperative economy projects. The amount of financing depends on the real needs of the enterprises and is analysed on a case-by-case basis. As an indication, W.Alter's equity contributions can go up to €200,000 per project, or even €500,000 if the project is part of the energy transition.
Investment allowance - SMEs
Description courte
Wallonia can grant you an investment premium which will vary according to various criteria:
the category of the company, the location of the investment, he possible creation of jobs, the interest of the activity and the aid scheme applied for.
the category of the company, the location of the investment, he possible creation of jobs, the interest of the activity and the aid scheme applied for.
Customised support - Circular economy
Description courte
Agoria, in collaboration with Sirris, supports and advises companies in a personalised way, according to their level of maturity, with a focus on the efficient management of material/waste flows, remanufacturing, circular design and the transition towards circular business models.
For members only.
For members only.
Win4Expertise - Strategic marketing consultancy
Description courte
This aid allows the company, in the case of internal development, to have recourse to external advice in order to know the commercial potential of an innovative product or process developed internally or during the acquisition of an innovative technology.
Helpdesk for sustainable public procurement
Description courte
This helpdesk aims to support staff working at the PPS, in an ICB, a province or a municipality in drawing up responsible specifications. This support includes a support service for the insertion of environmental, social or ethical clauses in a special specification, as well as support in the analysis of the tenders received.
Supporting textile micro-enterprises in their circular journey
Description courte
Centexbel proposes regular meetings, and also discovery sessions (production company, sorting centre, test laboratory, etc.) to the actors of the textile sector, active or not in a circular approach.
Centexbel will thus be able to define an approach to enable improvements and maximum progress in the transition to the circular economy.
Centexbel will thus be able to define an approach to enable improvements and maximum progress in the transition to the circular economy.
Support for internationalisation
Description courte
AWEX supports and promotes the initiatives of Walloon companies abroad and in the Walloon Region. It also strengthens its partnerships and launches new initiatives to achieve its sustainable development objectives and those of its operators.
Win4Excellence (collaborative research)
Description courte
This programme of excellence aims to finance ambitious research that is strongly positioned upstream, in promising areas for the Walloon Region, for example in the Strategic Innovation Areas of the RIS3, or in areas specifically highlighted in the Regional Policy Declaration, such as space or cyber security.
Environment and Sustainable Energy Investment Grant
Description courte
Investment allowances aim to encourage companies to invest in renewable energy and/or energy savings in their production process.
Digital Circular Experts (D4CW)
Description courte
In the framework of the Digital 4 Circular Wallonia programme (D4CW), a pool of D4CW Experts supports companies in their circular economy projects through digital technologies. The general objective is to capitalise on digital technologies to accelerate the deployment of the circular economy in the priority value chains of Circular Wallonia.
Description courte
This measure aims to support the creation of research spin-off companies and the training of researchers in entrepreneurship through the development and validation of new products, processes or services intended for short-term industrial use.
Win4Expertise - Technical support (research, development and innovation)
Description courte
This aid enables SMEs to have recourse to an external public organisation - an approved collective research centre, a public research organisation, a university or college research unit - for the provision of technical services as part of a support, consultancy and innovation support approach, ideally prior to R&D activities within the company.
EIT Raw Materials
Description courte
EIT Raw Materials offers entrepreneurial support to young companies in the development of projects (early stage) of transition to new innovative business models and funding to boost innovation, from the idea stage to commercialisation.
Investment allowance - Large companies
Description courte
Wallonia can grant investment premiums to large companies. Investments must be made in a development zone.
Win2Wal (support for research, development and innovation)
Description courte
Strategic research - The Win2WAL programme funds industrial research projects at accredited universities, colleges and research centres that will lead to a product, process or service (PPS).
Horizon Europe (EU)
Description courte
Horizon Europe is the European Union's framework programme for research and innovation. In addition to making research and innovation in Europe more competitive, the programme addresses current global issues, such as the goals of the circular economy. The programme is based on four pillars, which are divided into thematic clusters.
Innovation Fund (EU)
Description courte
Financing highly innovative technologies and flagship projects with European added value that can deliver significant emission reductions. The aim is to share the risk with project promoters to help demonstrate projects.
Description courte
LIFE is a European programme that targets actions and initiatives in the fields of circular economy, adaptation to climate change, energy transition, preservation and protection of biodiversity, water and soil, improvement of air quality and waste management.
Win4Company (support for research, development and innovation)
Description courte
Win4Company aims to help your company finance an industrial research or experimental development project. This project aims to acquire new knowledge in terms of scientific and technical progress, to use knowledge for the development of a product, process or service, or to strengthen the company's scientific and technological potential.
Call for projects "Competitiveness clusters"
Description courte
This measure is intended for companies wishing to carry out a collaborative research or development project (with other companies and universities, colleges or approved research centres) in one of the fields of activity of the six Walloon competitiveness clusters. These calls take place 3 times a year.
Circular economy facilitator (Eco-Conseil Institute)
Description courte
Training offered by the Eco-Conseil Institute to acquire the practical and theoretical skills necessary to contribute to the resilience of your organisation, to accompany the change towards the circular economy.
Circular Economy Facilitator (Le FOREM)
Description courte
Training offered by FOREM in order to acquire the practical and theoretical skills necessary to develop businesses by including a reflection on the economic issues of sustainable development. The training aims to develop skills in environment, strategy and management, circular economy, communication management and facilitation.
Inter-University Certificate in Biomass Valorisation
Description courte
This course will enable you to identify the most efficient ways to valorise biomass treatments, based on an in-depth knowledge of the scientific principles and existing technologies.
Accompaniment - circular design in metallurgy
Description courte
Companies interested in developing circular practices will be able to benefit from the support of certified trainers who will introduce them to a particular methodology, known as "CIRCO".
Win4Collective (support for research, development and innovation)
Description courte
The objective of the Win4Collective call is to strengthen the expertise and know-how of the Approved Research Centres (ARC) in key areas for the future of Wallonia. The projects selected will be strictly in line with the philosophy of collective research, i.e. research carried out for the benefit of the greatest possible number of companies, and mainly SMEs.
Valumat D4C mattress project
Description courte
Valumat asbl is looking for projects to reduce the environmental impact of used mattresses!
Do you have an innovative idea? Contribute to the prevention, eco-design or closure of the high-quality cycle of used mattresses!
Submit your application before 15 October
Do you have an innovative idea? Contribute to the prevention, eco-design or closure of the high-quality cycle of used mattresses!
Submit your application before 15 October
Call for projects - reuse 2023
Description courte
The aim of this call for proposals is to finance actions that increase the volumes of re-used goods and/or improve preparation for re-use in Wallonia. This can be achieved through projects that develop collection for re-use and/or stimulate demand for re-used goods through the development of points of sale.
Knowledge of textile materials for eco-responsible consumption
Description courte
WeCo Store is organising a training session on eco-consumption of textiles on Sunday 20 November with Vanessa Colignon* from Design For Resilience.
Call for Projects: Belgium Builds Back Circular - Substitution of Hazardous Substances
Description courte
The Belgium Builds Back Circular project aims to support research, development and innovation projects in order to develop knowledge and practices facilitating the substitution of dangerous substances and the development of safe and sustainable alternatives. Submit your application before December 31, 2023!
Call for innovative circular economy projects
Description courte
The Pôle MecaTech is launching call #41 to support innovative projects in the circular economy. Projects developed in the medtech, defence, industry of the future, energy and mobility sectors may also be submitted.
Projects will be funded from 40% to 100% depending on the application.
Send in your letter of intent by October 4!
Projects will be funded from 40% to 100% depending on the application.
Send in your letter of intent by October 4!
Win4Expertise - Intellectual property check
Description courte
The "Chèque Propriété intellectuelle" provides support in intellectual property matters. It allows you to get help on patentability issues from specialists. They can also give you an overview of all existing patents and documents relating to the field of your invention.
Win4Expertise - Technology check
Description courte
The Technology Cheque allows a scientific validation of the innovation project by a research centre.
Business checks - Circular economy
Description courte
The "circular economy" vouchers help to carry out feasibility studies for a specific project and offer an analysis of both the economic elements (impact on prices, market analysis, business plan, etc.) and the technical elements (mapping of resources, analysis of the status of materials, technical approval, etc.).
The network of low-carbon / circular economy referents
Description courte
The low-carbon/circular economy referent assists companies, free of charge, in detecting their circular economy potential and in reducing their energy bill. This support is co-financed by Wallonia and the ERDF (measure 1.3.1 of the ERDF operational programme 2014-2020).
Business checks - Export consultancy
Description courte
The "Constultance Export chèque" provides support from foreign trade specialists or AWEX-approved export design specialists to develop your market share abroad.
Business checks - Export booster
Description courte
The "Export Booster" voucher allows you to have a professional help you for a few days to validate this objective and develop a strategic international plan. This expert can also help you solve a specific problem, particularly in legal and logistical matters. The Export Booster Voucher also covers the intervention of experts to develop an export-oriented web strategy.
Win4Expertise - Patents
Description courte
A patent application grant which covers part of the costs of patent applications (fees and charges) until the patent is granted (including the costs of national validations of the European patent).
Easy’Green loan
Description courte
Easy'Green finances projects that reduce SMEs' carbon footprint by improving the energy efficiency of buildings, investing in renewable energy, retrofitting equipment with fluorinated gases or carrying out eco-innovation projects (including circular economy) on attractive terms.