La Plaine Chassart : L'économie circulaire au service des sols wallons
Découvrez comment la Plaine Chassart transforme les déchets locaux en substrats de haute qualité, réduisant les déchets et revitalisant les sols de Wallonie.
It is an economy in which products and materials retain their value for as long as possible. Waste and resource use are minimised. And, when a product reaches the end of its life, its resources are maintained in the economic cycle to be used again and again in order to re-create value.
Designed to be an evolving convergence hub, the Circular Ecosystem brings together a diversity of current circular initiatives in the Walloon Region. Through a dynamic search via thematic filters, this tool allows you to inform yourself, identify inspiring projects, potential partners, and any other information and opportunities related to circularity, encouraging you to fully engage in a circular approach.
Are you already involved in a circular initiative? Become part of the Circular Ecosystem by submitting a request to have it highlighted.
Circular economy has many advantages for businesses: reducing energy and raw material consumption, developing new products, processes or services with high added value, limiting the risks associated with fluctuating raw material prices or resource shortages, pooling infrastructures, resources and services... And much more!
Circular economy represents a key lever for public authorities to respond to environmental challenges (climate change, increasing scarcity of resources, loss of biodiversity), while supporting the economic fabric of their region and creating local jobs.
Circular consumption means moving towards alternative, more responsible modes of consumption that enable us to consume better and spend less. Behind every citizen lies a consumer who, at his/ her own level, can become a player in the transition to a more circular economy that is more respectful of the environment.
Circular economy can enable Wallonia to gain in prosperity while providing a solution to the societal challenges it faces. In response, the Walloon Government has adopted Circular Wallonia, the first circular economy deployment strategy in the Walloon Region.
Découvrez comment la Plaine Chassart transforme les déchets locaux en substrats de haute qualité, réduisant les déchets et revitalisant les sols de Wallonie.
Le Service public de Wallonie et Centexbel ont le plaisir de vous convier à la sixième Rencontre de l’économie circulaire qui abordera la question cruciale de la fin de vie des textiles.
Circular Cities & Regions initiatives invite les autorités locales et régionales européennes, leurs agences et entreprises publiques à rejoindre leurs nouvelles communautés de pratiques circulaires.
Cette formation continue organisée par la Haute Ecole de la Province de Namur propose de repenser l'écoconstruction sous l'angle des filières des éco-matériaux dans la construction et la rénovation en 8 journées du 14 janvier au 3 juin 2025.
Envie de repousser les limites de l'innovation ? Greenwin lance un challenge aux étudiants : imaginer l'habitat de demain plus durable et circulaire. Participez à ce hackaton sur 6 journées pour concrétiser vos idées et contribuer à un projet d'avenir.
Participez au Tour de la Biométhanisation 2025 organisé par Valbiom, de février 2025 à avril 2025 sur trois sites en Wallonie !